Oscar Nominated Short films
NÇŽi Nai & Wài Pó
NÇŽi Nai & Wài Pó a short film nominated by the Oscars was a truly inspirational film that had multifaceted meaning, under the surface subtext and rich knowledge. The theme of art was illustrated by the impressive cinematography, including the clarity and dynamic shots capturing the “grandma’s” lives. The theme of non-violence and war was shown through the reflection of real lived experience of NÇŽi Nai during the war. Not only did this short film connect to our global studies themes it additionally connected to our skills. Specifically by “going deeper through dialogue with those who have different opinions and backgrounds” and “apply systems thinking to analyze the interdependence of contemporary and historical economic, social and environmental issues”. These skills specifically relate to the short film of NÇŽi Nai & Wài Pó because they are of a different background and have their own opinions on life and of historical events then me. Additionally they share and give their understanding of historical, and current issues they face and think about regularly. To be honest when we started this film, the light hearted beginning made me feel uplifted, yet as the film progressed I felt a deeper meaning that actually made me teary eyed by the end. I expected the whole film to be lighthearted about these grandmothers lives but I got so much more out of it, reflection, change of perspective and viewpoints I once had. This was also one of the most moving nominated films for me, thus why I voted for it in our Global Studies poll, of the Oscar Nominated films as a whole.